
My Role Model

My role model is Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam. Prophet Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam is my role model and I think that he's the best role model for all mankind because he had a good moral character. Also the prophet Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam was the best teacher, the best friend, the best father, the best husband, the best guardian of the orphans, etc. Prophet Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam was very kind and friendly and he loved helping others. He never used to hurt others feeling. He used to make others smile and used to help them in their difficulties .The Prophet Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam has the best personality, characteristics, and morals. I really want to be like him. MASHALLAH! The Prophet Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam was sent as a teacher and role model for all of mankind. He was sent as a Warner of Allah's anger and punishment, a bearer or good tidings, as well as a guide to Paradise. Once wh...

End World Hunger

Hunger Statistics Every year, authors, journalists, teachers, researchers, schoolchildren and students ask us for statistics about hunger and malnutrition. To help answer these questions, we've compiled a list of useful facts and figures on world hunger. Some 795 million people in the world do not have enough food to lead a healthy active life. That's about one in nine people on earth. The vast majority of the world's hungry people live in developing countries, where 12.9 percent of the population is undernourished. Asia is the continent with the most hungry people - two thirds of the total. The percentage in southern Asia has fallen in recent years but in western Asia it has increased slightly. Sub-Saharan Africa is the region with the highest  prevalence  (percentage of population) of hunger. One person in four there is undernourished. Poor nutrition causes nearly half (45%) of dea...


      Hello , my name is hatta nurhadi hasibuan, and you can call me hatta or hasibuan, i was born on February 21,  1997 in Tanjung Morawa ,Medan. I was the third of four children and Now I live in a boarding house at Jl. H. Yahya Nuih, Depok.      My hobbies are futsal, soccer, swimming, and cook, thats it. I graduated from high school in medan , at SMK NEGERI 9, and Now  i am studying in World Class , Gunadarma University.     I have pleasant personality. I'm so so friendly, sometimes i am shy and i have quiet nature if i meet new person, i like clean, neat and fragrant, and i dont like dirty, lie and faker. Thats it.

Review Software COBIT

Review COBIT Tentang COBIT COBIT ( Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology ) adalah sebuah proses model yang dikembangkan untuk membantu perusahaan dalam pengelolaan sumber daya teknologi informasi (IT). Proses model ini difokuskan pada pengendalian terhadap masing-masing dari 34 proses IT, meningkatkan tingkatan kemapanan proses dalam IT dan memenuhi ekspektasi bisnis dari IT. COBIT menciptakan sebuah jembatan antara manajemen TI dan para eksekutif bisnis. COBIT mampu menyediakan bahasa yang umum sehingga dapat dipahami oleh semua pihak. Adopsi yang cepat dari COBIT di seluruh dunia dapat dikaitkan dengan semakin besarnya perhatian yang diberikan terhadap corporate governance  dan kebutuhan perusahaan agar mampu berbuat lebih dengan sumber daya yang sedikit meskipun ketika terjadi kondisi ekonomi yang sulit. Fokus utama dari COBIT ini adalah harapan bahwa melaui adopsi COBIT ini, perusahaan akan mampu meningkatkan nilai tambah melalui penggunaa...

Review Software ACL 6.5

Review Software ACL 6.5 A. Pengenalan ACL        ACL for Windows (Audit Command Language) versi 6.5 didesain untuk membaca dan menganalisis data serta membantu auditor dalam menghasilkan laporan audit. ACL adalah program yang sangat mudah digunakan sehingga dapat digunakan untuk membaca dan menganalisa berbagai database yang ada pada komputer klien (Dbase III+, Access, FoxPro, Basic, Excel, dsb). Sehingga ACL sangat favorit di kalangan Kantor Akuntan Publik (baca: Auditor) terutama jika klien yang di audit sudah menggunakan komputer sebagai basis datanya. ACL for Windows dirancang khusus untuk menganalisa data dan menghasilkan laporan audit untuk user non-teknis sampai expert users. Dengan menggunakan ACL, pekerjaan auditing akan jauh lebih cepat dibandingkan proses auditing manual yang memerlukan waktu sampai berjam-jam bahkan sampai berhari-hari.  Ada persyaratan minimal agar dapat memahami secara utuh konsep ACL for Windows ini yaitu: ...